Friday 1 January 2016

Photographs for Front Cover 1 of 3

1 & 3. These photos would be ideal for a front cover because there is a plain background behind which mostly acoustic magazines use from research and text could go both sides then the title behind his head however he does not look at the camera so there is no direct address which I think is important to include but however not all magazines that I researched has direct address so I think it is not a necessity - it just helps to get the audiences attention.

2. This image is an improvement of the other 2 as he is looking at the camera and gives that connection between the audience and himself and this will stand out. It is also a mid shot which is what the brief wanted. However I think it would be a lot better if he smiled and gave a more welcoming look because his emotions reveal quite a serious tone which I don't like very much. 

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