Friday 1 January 2016

Photographs for Front Cover 2 of 3

4. 5.
I wanted to use a variety of landscape and portrait images to see which ones in a result are better. These images are all landscape and I chose to have a variation of  different positions.

4.This image is good because it is quite casual. There is direct address as well because he is using eye contact which means there is mutual eye contact between the artist and buyer which is known to increase attention and gain a better relationship within the buyer because of the connection of eye contact between you.

6. In this picture it is quite interesting because the artist is looking away from the frame which makes the audience want to see what it is therefore look in the magazine and find out. This creates tension and intrigues them. After doing research some artists in fact do this as well as direct address in acoustic magazines but I feel that direct address is more effective in getting the audiences attention so I may not use this.

5.This image is quite scary actually because his eyes are wide open gazing. He isnt giving eye contact nor looking away to the side. He is Gazing which i find quite strange and do not find it that effective so I don't think I will be using this.

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