Sunday 31 January 2016

Completed Contents Page

This is my final design of my contents page for my music magazine. I believe i captured the correct codes and conventions of a real music magazine effectively due to researching thoroughly of what these codes and conventions are. This contents page is clearly well organised and looks extremely professional in my opinion. I like that there are many images linking to the articles within the magazine because from research i thought there was too much writing so i decided to add more visual elements on my own. Moreover, I think the main colour scheme I used (black, brown and creme) fits the target audience well and also represents the acoustic genre correctly as people who listen to acoustic are mainly calm people so they wouldn't want to see extreme bright colours, overlapped images and everything scattered all over the place - which you would find somewhere in like a rock genre magazine. Furthermore, I love the text choice  i chose as its bold and very streaking. This font will make it extremely easy for the audience to read due to its size and thickness. I decided for the 'features' title for it to be italic (slanted) so it adds a variety in the look of text and makes the overall page look more exciting. I decided to have the features on the left hand side as from my research this is where they generically are and this is where the viewers would be used to so i didn't want to change that. On the features and extras box's i chose to put white text on them as they will show well on the dark background of the box's. Furthermore, i put a dark, black shadow on the numbers then on the page summary title i put a black stoke to make them stand out well too. Beneath i added a synopsis of each page being showcased so the audience can decide if they are interested or not. I made the only red colour on the whole page be the title 'extras' this will be very distinctive and grab the readers attention that there is something more added to this magazine and will hopefully intrigue them enough to purchase. Lastly i added 'exclusive band news' on the bottom image. Using the word exclusive is very effective because the audience will feel special knowing they have new news on this band as it is currently only restricted to knowing in this magazine.

Overall, i am very pleased with the outcome of this contents page as its to a very high standard and professional. I have included correct codes and conventions and it fits with the correct target audience so i am extremely satisfied with my design.

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