Thursday 21 January 2016

Flat plans - Contents page

After doing various research on the generic conventions of a contents page and also deconstruction i developed knowledge of understanding what makes a good contents page. I decided to keep it mainly well ordered as it looks pleasing and not overwhelming and hectic. This is as i think the music also reflects this mood, if i made the page full up text everywhere and pictures all over the place this would represent a rock genre or something similar - not acoustic. Anyway, i decided to make a large title saying 'contents' to make it clear to the audience what page this is. Beneath i added 'features' so the audience can again clearly comprehend where they should be looking on the page for the article page numbers and information about them. Behind the feature and extras box will be a coloured box area so it stands out to the background. I decided to include many images to show the articles in a visual form as i think having too many words to show the articles can get boring and repetitive. I wanted to have the images with different shapes and sizes to make it a lot more interesting to look at rather than everything being the same as it will look bland. A big article at the bottom right takes up a lot of the page and is different from the other images  because this one has no background, just the figures. This should make this stand out a lot more due to it being different and having large text over it saying 'Exclusive Band News' will intrigue the audience to read on.

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