Thursday 7 January 2016

Flat plans - Double-page spread

Again, it was also important that i did my research on double-page spread because now I have undertook the representative characteristics that most of them followed. This is my flat plan on which i think is the best with the images i have which you can see i incorporated and i hope to now follow this up in Photoshop. I am glad i deconstructed them because i understood which key parts are necessary and are most effective.

I chose the main image from my images i took and i think this works the best so i tried to interpret it well on this flat plan but in a simple form. I placed the main image on the right side and then i wanted text to be each side because this is what i mainly liked from my research. I made the title very bold and clear and resting on his left shoulder then underneath i want two thick lines so the text is underlined and it stands out even more. I made three articles as i didnt want one large one because that looks boring. I even made it two collumns at one point so the text does not look overwhelming and long. I made it clear where there are new stories from placing titles above each one. Moreover, i also placed a plectrum at each corner as the page numbers which i think will look creative and interesting - i like this idea  a lot. Then lastly on the left hand side i decided to have some secondary images of the artist that is being talked about on this double-page spread as he is the main focus. Within these images i hope to contain him playing different instruments to show his broad knowledge of acoustic instruments.

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