Friday 1 January 2016

Photographs for Double-Page Spread 2 of 3



4. This image is quite the opposite of the vibes I want my magazine to give off. This image is quite scary and intimidating because of the fierce and evil emotions he is giving and showing his guitar up like he is threatening with it. I will clearly not be using this image but I wanted to include it to demonstrate of the image I don't want to be in my magazine.

5. I love this image as it looks like he is having an extreme amount of fun which is in fact what I want my magazine to include - unlike image 5 on this post. It looks like he is mid playing the guitar so it looks like a natural image and it would fit well as the text could all go to the left of him and surrounding him like in other double-page spreads. In all I really like this image and may use it.

3. This image isn't that interesting and exciting as it doesn't show the persons face and he is holding the guitar quite strangely on the floor which does not look natural like image 6 so I don't think I will use this image because it doesn't stand out and there is not anything special about it.

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