Tuesday 5 January 2016

Completed Music Magazine Front Cover

I am really happy with the outcome of this music magazine cover as i think it looks really professional and very high quality. It has elements that every magazine would typically and i could honestly see this being on a shelf in a store. I firstly decided to blur out the background so the figure stands out more which has worked out great, i love the overall feel of it. The masthead is white and you can clearly see it on the dark, black background. The typeface choice is very unique and it is a very wide and bold font so you can easily see it on a shelf and read from a distance. There is a variety of fonts so it makes the cover look interesting. There is a special font for the main cover line which is linking to the main image as this is the most important article in the whole magazine. There is a clear colour scheme of white and blue and i like these colours, blue is one of the most liked colours which is one of the reasons why i chose it. It is a mid shot which most magazines use to this shot and also he is looking at the audience (direct address) which is very effective as it is making a connection with the viewer and this will engage them and even perhaps buy the magazine. Furthermore, i also added many buzz words such as 'Exclusive' and 'New' which catches our attention almost immediately because it makes us feel very involved like we are one of the first ones to here about the interview. Also having 'The UK's most popular acoustic magazine' at the top shows its significance firstly and also by having this it will make you want to buy it with that fact because you know how popular the magazine is. I added a competition feature as this will make the audience feel like they have a chance to win something which is always intriguing so they will look at this especially with the explosive graphics behind it, it will catch your eye. I placed cover lines either side of the artist which looks great and this is what most magazine company's do. It looks very neatly set out and not confusing or overwhelming so i am very satisfied. I Put the barcode at the bottom because it is less important and a feature you don't need to see, only the person at the counter does who scans it. I am extremely happy with my magazine and i believe it shows the correct codes and convetions of a music magazine cover.


  1. Well done with getting the cover completed the chosen shot is better than the previous shots suggested and the cover follows existing conventions.

  2. January 2016 :45 posts.You offer detailed work and research on music genres and show an informed knowledge of conventions of layout . Sound referencing of media language has supported your planning and informed your decisions. Im impressed by the detail Oli.was the questionnaire completed if so how did you analyse your findings to inform your Target audience post on December 19th?you write well and reflectively showing your creative thinking and planning. To date I would assess your Research and Planning as 16/20 an A Grade. For construction the completed magazine needs to be up but so far the cover is quite effective…why did you choose a high angle shot? Is this a multi talented musician who can play keyboards and guitar to advanced level?

  3. January 2016 :45 posts.You offer detailed work and research on music genres and show an informed knowledge of conventions of layout . Sound referencing of media language has supported your planning and informed your decisions. Im impressed by the detail Oli.was the questionnaire completed if so how did you analyse your findings to inform your Target audience post on December 19th?you write well and reflectively showing your creative thinking and planning. To date I would assess your Research and Planning as 16/20 an A Grade. For construction the completed magazine needs to be up but so far the cover is quite effective…why did you choose a high angle shot? Is this a multi talented musician who can play keyboards and guitar to advanced level?
