Friday 1 January 2016

Photographs for Contents Page 3 of 3


These images would be great to use as the contents page and I have plenty of angles to choose from which will be great once I start editing. Number 7 Is probably my favourite out of these 3 because its the best angle and shot out of all of them. You can also see a satisfying face when he's playing on this image and him playing the piano and lastly most of the pictures I took had a more serious face where  so it is much better to see a satisfying face as its more greeting. The colours on all images are quite subtle and moderate which I think most acoustic magazines are like this. I kept the mis en scene quite simple as most acoustic backgrounds are quite simple. I made it look like he is on stage performing which I like and the background is dark so he stands out with his with shirt.


  1. Well done for staying on top of your work so far Oli. Im not convinced by these images for the following reasons:
    The images lack any emotion. The closest to this are the piano images. I feel that you haven't considered the essential mise en scene elements including the costume worn. What place is there in acoustic for hurling a guitar? This seems outdated and suggests a misunderstanding of the genre. You need to aim for some kind of synchronisity of the subject to the object ie the music.

    1. Actually I can still use the hurling of the guitar because my magazine is based on the whole of the acoustic genre and this also counts punk rock and I will state I want to change the stereotype and include this air of rebellion.

  2. I have decided I am going to use the piano picture. It was hard to get the right mis en scene because the stage was being used however from research the backgrounds for acoustic magazines are plain typically anyway so that's fine. The costumes they wear in acoustic magazines are mostly smart uniform so I think mine still fits. I will state why I didn't use the hurling of the guitar i just wanted a range of ideas.
