Tuesday 12 January 2016

Experimentation for Double-Page Spread


Now i have designed the double-page spread and i will show you the process in the next post. I decided to experiment using different colors in the text, background, title and sidebar. [1] This design looks quite boring and not outgoing as it is very plain due to the white being the main color choice in this design - therefore i wont be using it for my final choice. [4] This is keeping in with the magazine covers theme due to the black, blue and white which i quite like in fact but i still don't think it is the perfect match and i will not be using it for my final choice. [2] This design is improved as i quite like the colour choice as the browns almost like it is the material off the guitar. The white text is very easy to read but however the brown is quite hard to read and it does not stand out on the black background which would be an issue so i won't be using this as my final choice too. [3] This design is an improvement from the previous designs as the text is still easy to read on the black background due to it being white,  the title is a more lighter colour and it is easy to comprehend too but i quite like the brown, wood texture of the previous one so i am going to try and make the background light on the next design and have the wood texture as the theme. [5] Finally a design in which i am very happy about.  I made the background a creme, light colour so the text in front can be easily read with the black font and the wood texture for the title and side bar on the left. I like this design and i think it turned out very well.

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