Friday 1 January 2016

Photographs for Double-Page Spread 3 of 3



From researching I undertook the appropriate representations of the women and men in the magazines which they typically look angelic and less 'rock and roll' .They mainly are photographed with a guitar by them leaning on the ground or they are holding the guitar. However as you can see on these photographs I wanted to elaborate the 'rock and roll' sense by throwing the guitar which could be associated with the rock or punk genres and I could include this for the folk rock element in my magazine. I wanted to change the norm and stereotype for acoustic artists and add in an air of rebellion which I think could work well and its something unique which will stand out to people.

These photos would be very useful as they could be used as a double-page spread effectively as the text could all go to the left side surrounding the person. I could edit the images and combine them all together overlapping each other and lowering there opacity so it shows the process of him throwing the guitar which I think would look new and creative.

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