Tuesday 22 September 2015

Skills Audit

From doing GCSE Media Studies and my loving interest of Media in general from the past few years from watching Television, Films and YouTube I have encountered and gained valuable experience:

Creativity In GCSE Media we had coursework where he had to develop a movie introduction and I had to be very open minded with my group ideas, we had to come up with our own creative ideas which we successfully did and got an over all B grade however with all coursework combined I got an A grade. The movie was called 'The Unknown' which was about an unknown object that was killing people mysteriously. 
Camera Work Following on from our coursework last year as well as my passion for photography I am quite good with camera work. Myself and Jake, another group member for our coursework task, both took on the roll of a film maker. I learned how to hold a camera correctly, understanding the appropriate shots and angles, shutter release technique, understanding exposure and many other techniques.
Editing I have edited on many software's such as Windows Live Movie Maker to Sony Vegas where I made YouTube videos for fun a few years back. I did various editing such as linking music in time with footage, gaming videos and in real life videos. Furthermore, i spent a week at PlatForm One for work experience last year and we made our own music and secondly used various software's involving music.
Animation I have done a little bit of animation on the free software 'Blender' I have at home on my computer, I got taught by some friends as well as tutorials on YouTube. I know the basics of what it takes to animate characters with pre-made rigs such as making them walk, run and many other activities - With more work to it and self teaching I will be able to do a lot more.
Acting As well as taking the roll of a film maker in our coursework for Media Studies in GCSE I also acted in it. Whilst having this roll I acted very professionally; I spoke very well,  had a serious mood and tone, my body language was outgoing and I think overall the outcome was great.
Photoshop I have self taught myself Photoshop through various tutorials on YouTube by making banners, thumbnails and logos and I hope to include what I know with Photoshop when creating my magazine cover for my AS coursework.

I will further develop my skills in AS Media Studies and hopefully get even more experienced and perhaps to gradually strengthen my weaknesses

Teamwork I sometimes struggle with teamwork as i like things how they are in my mind and other people in your team change it or dislike it. Furthermore, other people aren't as speedy as you sometimes are and it can bring your team down so i like to be independent mostly - however I want to improve my teamwork skills.
Focusing I feel like i sometimes have a very short attention span and my focusing isn't as brilliant as others. In result to this it takes me longer to comprehend in something and i may have to ask a few times for what to do in the task.

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