Sunday 27 September 2015

Photographs I took around school - 2





These are the second range of photos I took that could be potentially used for the cover. It is better to get a range pictures that have a selection of angles and shots so I can chose the most effective images at the end.

1. This picture seems to show two friends having a discussion. It could be argued that the fact his shirt is not tucked in represents the informal but smart ethos of the sixth form. 

2. This is a front version of all the three boys in front of one of the buildings of the school. They are a mid shot however you cant see there faces that clear so it might not be that essential to be used as a main image however secondary. However, it shows the three students looking over at the school grounds indicating or hinting at the nice open spaces.

3. This picture shows three students walking into the main block of the school, it gives an indication of the external architecture and also gives the observer the idea all three boys are friends and enjoy school.

4.I love this image as it shows the rural nature of the school. The greens of the trees and bushes are really vibrant and stands out, together with the picnic table which gives a hint of the outdoor living within the school.

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