Tuesday 29 September 2015

My Chosen Images

Main image

Secondary Photographs

I firstly chose the main image as it fits the brief perfectly by it being a mid shot. It also uses direct address and makes the reader feel involved as they are looking at the camera. Moreover, they are also showing smiles which gives a sense that the school itself is not threatening however a nice, welcoming place. The uniforms of the students look smart however quite casual with the jumpers on top which suggests that the sixth form is laid back in some ways. The background isn't too complicated so it doesn't take your eye off the figures in front which is important. However the background does show the modern architecture that the school brings which is useful to include in the central image. Lastly, another effective thing is the blue in the background which is one of the most liked colours so hopefully this will satisfy most readers. The overall picture is bright and this could suggest the bright future that the school will give.Then I think these secondary images are essential to include because it gives a sense of the schools life. The first two images show that the classrooms are not disruptive and the students work hard implying work gets done. The classrooms are filled with students work as well suggesting the teachers are proud of the students work and love to show it off. When viewing the images it makes you feel warm and inspired with the lighting being white which I think is a very effective technique.

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