Wednesday 16 September 2015

Conventions of Magazine Covers

Central Images Both main images consists of a young woman and man symbolising students and targeting them, one of them has books in his hand which suggests they are college students so we can relate with him. They both are mid shots because they are the main subject in the magazine and catches our attention immediately. Also there facial expressions are easy to see and makes us feel involved in the magazine as its eye level and looks towards you.
Bar Code
The bar codes are both at the bottom of the page due to the reason they are a lot less important and not the main subject they should be focused on.
Titles The titles are very large and bold with bright colours. They are also both on plain and boring coloured backgrounds, in this case black and white so the titles show out more and will draw young people in. By both using these techniques it will attract the audience because it is so eye catching and engaging.
Anchorage text The cell lines are different colours making it more interesting and stand out from the dark and light background, anchorage text are extremely important as it gives a basic outline of the magazines topics. 
Buzz Words and Puffs The flash looks like a splat which will draw the audience in. Furthermore, there are large text standing out saying 'MAKE MONEY ON CAMPUS', this makes the reader feel special as they're being offered extra content that isn't offered anywhere else. Secondly on the other magazine there is a competition that involves money for university fees saying 'WIN £1000' so this will defiantly catch the students eyes and it is a clever technique to use to make people buy the magazine. Secondly there is another one saying 'THE ISSUE ALL ABOUT YOUR SUCCESS' and like again this will make them special that they are hearing exclusive content. 
Overall, this research is very interesting and helpful and will make me be more aware of the key aspects of what I need to consider adding when creating and planning for my magazine.

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