Thursday 24 September 2015

Flat Plans 1 - Front Cover

After doing various research on magazine covers I undertook the representative characteristics that most of them followed. This is my first plan and is very rough however throughout doing improvement and readjustments in this process of flat plans I hope to conclude with a great design.

I have firstly, positioned the mast head in the centre and made it  very large so it is in eye level with the reader and this will make it easier for them to comprehend. The selling line is beneath the mast head as this is also an important feature and should be pointed out easy to the public. The less important features such as the barcode and the issue number on this design are at the bottom of the magazine, reasons to this as from  researching magazine company's, they all do this as well due to the features are less significant and relevant when going lower down the cover because they don't provide any information that the public are in search for. Moreover,  I chose to add two secondary images as I think it is important that the readers get a glimpse of what is actually inside the magazine in a visualising way rather than text. I also added various cover lines all over the magazine cover rather than in one or two places that usually is the case. I did this as I feel that it adds a unique element that looks very creative and interesting and I hope this grabs the attention of people. Furthermore, I also put a large splash promotion which is in fact a splat of paint which I think fits well and I think will draw the audience in further as well as the text about competition. I do very much like this design as its very orderly but I think there is a lot space and it feels empty when viewing, s o in my next design I hope to improve this.

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