Monday 28 September 2015

Photographs I took around school - 3





These are the last range of photos I took and the next post will be deciding which ones I am going to use.

1.This image looks nice and appealing to look at, the background is simple, the uniform is smart, the lighting is warm and bright however there is no direct address. I need a central image that the student is looking at the camera and is making a connection to to the reader. 

2.This image shows too much background  and not enough of the student however I could improve this in photoshop and zoom inwards to the student and cut out most of the background.

3.This would be a nice secondary image as it shows the students together implying the school is a nice , welcoming and friendly place. However I think there is better secondary images that I have taken.

4. The reason I took this image is that I could us it as a nice background for an under layer when I put it in photoshop. The image shows lovely greens, blues and reds and really gives off a satisfying feeling when looking at it therefore I think it has potential to use.

5.This image is another lovely image of two students having fun together but the annoying thing is that the flash went on and makes the whole image look faded which is so irritating as it could of been used, but I'm showing you that we had some problems and difficulties throughout the process. 

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