Friday 25 September 2015

Flat Plans 3 - Front Cover

Now I have drew the third and final flat plan on which I will base it off in Photoshop. This design includes all my favourite features that I have included in my first and second flat plan but I have also changed things to what I think makes the most greatest and ideal magazine cover.

In this final design I have firstly gave the two figures a more central framing, this gives more attention to the main image as its on eye level and following this it will also give them authority. I kept the mast head and the selling line at the top of the page as it should represent its importance. Furthermore, the price is also at the top in this flat plan and I chose this as it after looking at the important features such as what's in the magazine the reader will look for the price in which it is very important resulting it to my decision of it being at the top. The issue number is below the masthead as it is significant for collectors to know what issue it is and this is an important feature to them. I also added the competition text again as I think this will draw a lot of readers in to buy the magazine itself because it gives them hope to win something. Lastly, I have added another cover line to show the vast amount of topics in the magazine itself and placed the secondary images at the bottom because it looks a lot more fitting and having it overlapping each one makes it look a lot more creative and appealing.

Overall, I think I have made the best cover design to my knowledge and I think through this process it has helped tremendously by improving it several times and getting the best outcome. I have made an exciting looking magazine cover that would stand out in a shelf at a store.

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