Thursday 17 September 2015

Magazine Cover Analysis

The masthead is very clear, bold and distinctive. It clearly stands out due to the lighter background, when the typeface is orange its very bright and reminds you of fire and almost emerges out at you. Furthermore, it is also quite a thick font and not thin compared to the rest of the typefaces such as the cover lines on the magazine cover so this makes it attract attention even more.

There is also an image of the latest iPad which would intrigue the target audience, the younger generation, as they are mainly influenced by technology.

The cover lines are mainly in block capitals which suggests the magazine itself could be modern and up to date with the language fitting a younger audience. Also the cover lines being bold could suggest they are simple articles to comprehend. There are various colours of the cover lines which makes it entirely look more creative and interesting to look at. Lastly, the difference in sizes and font could suggest the variety of content in the magazine itself such as the range of articles.

Within the cover there are various words being underlined such as 'TECH CRAZE' and 'SOUTH FLORIDA' which could signify there importance and the information being empathises of a point being made.

Oraine Barrett is the main image which suggests the main target audience is men, as they would be seeing him as a role model for men. He is wearing white so everything in front on the magazine cover stands out even more and making it easier to read because items show up easily on it. He looks very strong and dominant and gives you eye contact which makes you feel involved within the magazine and grabs your attention. He is also very well dressed and smart worn which the audience aspire to look and dress like.

There is also a subheading which tells the name of the model of the central image in case you are unfamiliar with him.

The bar code is completely out the way, in the corner and at the bottom of the page to show its less significance along with the price.

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