Saturday 19 December 2015

My target audience

There are many sub genres in Acoustic such as pop, country and rock however I do not have a particular sub genre I am doing it as a genre in whole. Therefore my target audience does not have a specific gender it can be aimed at both males and females who are interested in all types. I would say that it is mainly aimed at people aged between around 16-25 years old so late teens and the beginning of early twenties. The type of person who would read Acoustic would be a normal, day-to-day female and male who could very between classes, working, middle or upper class. They would have a passion for music and likely to be very focused in music and may even play their own instruments. It could also interest younger readers, who are interested in music and learning new music, Indy style who don’t like to follow the mainstream music. My magazine will contain a large variety of genres and range of articles including all aspects of acoustic music so it can fit all the needs for all people within the acoustic genre.


  1. It seems a pity that you are excluding women Oli...I wonder what reasons you could offer? I feel that this part of your work is not as well considered and is very descriptive rather than informed.
    Also, there are a few spelling errors here and there so do keep spell checking please.
