Tuesday 15 December 2015

Music Magazine Questionnaire

I decided to make the questionnaire in survey monkey as it is interactive and you can get results immediately and easily from who goes on my blog and you can send people the link online. It is also useful that I can put it on the blog with a html code as it ended up taking too much room up on my blog page when being in a post text form. I decided to have a mixture of open and closed questions as they are both useful and easier in finding the answers I provided.

Firstly, Close-ended questions can be quickly answered because they usually only require a yes or no or other simple answers that is mainly a tick in a box, so this is good for getting a straight answer and to get it quickly. However, i also wanted to use open-ended questions as we can get a more informative answer because they require lengthier responses than close-ended.

Create your own user feedback survey


  1. 19 Posts. A confident and well presented blog Ollie. The details are thorough and you have kept up to date with developments and classwork. Theres a real sense of personal engagement with your work and your production grows from the research You have taken care with presentation and I like your discussion on your photography. This is superb..the reader gets a good idea of how you have made decisions and reflected on this.As you move on to the music magazine the same thorough approach is evident and your genre analysis is informed and detailed.Do make sure that you continue to reflect on decisions and revisions, keep a note of your reflective discourse to help your final evaluation. Lovely work..well done. Level 3 15/20 B

    1. Thank you Miss.
      I'm going to try and improve my posts and add a lot more work and aim for that A!

  2. 19 Posts. A confident and well presented blog Ollie. The details are thorough and you have kept up to date with developments and classwork. Theres a real sense of personal engagement with your work and your production grows from the research You have taken care with presentation and I like your discussion on your photography. This is superb..the reader gets a good idea of how you have made decisions and reflected on this.As you move on to the music magazine the same thorough approach is evident and your genre analysis is informed and detailed.Do make sure that you continue to reflect on decisions and revisions, keep a note of your reflective discourse to help your final evaluation. Lovely work..well done. Level 3 15/20 B
