Monday 14 December 2015

Deconstruction of a Magazine Cover 3 of 3

  • Lastly, i decided to choose another magazine cover that is completely different from the other 2 i picked. This one is a more sophisticated and professional style that is aimed for adults who are more wealthier. 
  • Everything stands out on top as the background is just plain white and this is quite effective.
  • She is smiling and showing very welcoming emotions which makes you want to read it as its almost greeting.
  • She is also giving you eye contact (direct address) which again gives you that connection between you and her which draws to your attention.
  • There are many buzz words such as 'Exclusive'  which catches our attention almost immediately because it makes us feel very involved like we are one of the first ones to here about the interview.
  • Having 'The worlds best-selling classical music magazine' at the top shows its significance firstly and also by having this it will make you want to buy it with that fact because you know how popular the magazine is.

1 comment:

  1. Oli, your work is thorough and informative.. you are demonstrating models of excellence in understanding and application. Well done
