Friday 18 December 2015

Choosing my genre

After doing my research from looking at all the music genres there is I have concluded to 3 music genres that i think would be best suitable to my surroundings, knowledge and equipment to represent these genres best. I couldn't choice rap for example because i don't have any fashion that suits that genre correctly and i couldn't choose electronic because i don't have the right equipment to represent that genre well. 
Therefore i came to these 3 genres as they are easy to have accessibility for the music equipment, clothing and the correct cultured people to portray the genres.


-The look of classical magazines are very professional, neat and modern and i feel that i can represent this very well.
-I love the curves in the text that gets used in classical magazines.
-I like the bold and thick text used on its font cover and throughout in the magazine.
-I have great knowledge with the artists in this genre such as Coldplay who is my favorite band so i can use this as a benefit.
-The layout of indie magazines are very simple with a lot of emotion within the characters face which i like.


I have the instruments such as a piano and guitar that could be represented for the mis en scene well in the pictures for the magazine,-Acoustic magazines have a lot going on in the front cover which looks quite appealing and packed with a lot of information and imagery.-Lots of colours and a variety of different typefaces used within the magazine.-I know a lot about acoustic because i used to play guitar and my step mother is a music teacher and her specialty is piano.

In conclusion, i have decided that i am going to go for the acoustic genre to use for my music magazine. I believe that this will fit best with the mis en scene such as costumes and instruments that i have and my knowledge behind the genre. I think that classical and indie are too plain and don't use my abilities as much as acoustic will.

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