Sunday 20 December 2015

Masthead Name Ideas

I firstly thought I could name the masthead of the magazine to be a part of an acoustic guitar as from researching a popular acoustic magazine is called 'frets' which I think sounds amazing. Therefore I did further research into parts of an acoustic guitar and came up with these possible options: bridge, headstock, soundboard, binding, rosette, fingerboard and fretboard. My favourite from this idea is 'rosette' as I think it sounds the most appealing and professional out the choices I had. It is also one of the parts that most stand out on a guitar and especially as its a beautiful pattern that resembles a rose it does just look astonishing. 

Then I went on and  brainstormed words that are related to the sound and movement of music and came up with various names that could be acceptable to use for a masthead. Firstly, 'sonic' which relates to using sound waves which every song uses sound waves therefore it makes sense and also sounds quite interesting. Then I thought of 'harmonious' as this word means its a pleasing sound and very tuneful which acoustic music as a whole is so it fits well and looks great. Furthermore, I like the word 'tremble' and this could relate to the shaking movement of the strings in a guitar or the sound coming from it. Then similar to the meaning of tremble I also came up with 'quiver' which I think also looks great. This also means a slight trembling movement or sound, especially one caused by a sudden strong emotion - I think acoustic music demonstrates very strong emotion within the lyrics and sound of the lyrics.

Moreover, I researched popular types of woods that are used for many of the instruments used in acoustic songs, especially for guitars. I think using a wood type, the audience would know this and understand the meaning from it more. I came up with three names 'koa, morado and mahogany' which I feel that all three reflect a nice calming feeling off it which the music also has the same traits after listening to it.

Lastly, I came up with some random ideas that have no meaning intentionally I just love the sound of them. 'Ultimate Guitar' which stands out well as it looks heroic and suggests the magazine is the most best and extreme of its kind. Then lastly, I also liked 'sixth string' which in fact I will chose for it to be my masthead because I think it looks extremely smart, professional and also uses alliteration because both words begin with the same letter therefore it is very catchy and people will remember it easier. Moreover, there are six strings in a acoustic guitar in total so the sixth string is quite important and musicians who buy the magazine will understand and appreciate that.

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