Friday 27 November 2015

Deconstruction of a Contents Page 2 of 3

This content page has a very bold title which is clear and easy to read and makes it very easy for them to see it.

The cover lines for this contents page are separated into different sections. This is because it helps the reader to find the story line they want to see or their favorite artist much more quicker.

The color scheme for this content page is quite sophisticated too which suggests that the magazine is for adults and they prefer a more simple professional style therefore they will buy this magazine.

Another image that is promoting special issues within the magazine.

Most of the page is covered up with the special and main artist of the magazine, Adele. This shows that she is very important and the article has something you need to read about.

They use black, bold sub titles that draws the readers attention and makes it stand out on the grey and white background.

The colours used to show the contents of the magazine links with the title, image and the background colours as they are red, grey and red.

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