Thursday 26 November 2015

Deconstruction of a Contents Page 1 of 3

Moving on to the deconstruction research for my music magazine project i came to a decision to deconstruct 3 contents pages to get a vast variety of content pages so i know there techniques well by analyzing them thoroughly.

The title 'Kerrang!' and 'Contents' are very clear as they are in capital letters and they are extremely easy to see on the yellow background then the font being black and bold. It is easy to know it is the contents page as its one of the largest texts on the page. The title is at the top of the page showing its significance.

The main image takes up most of the page demonstrating that the band is the main feature in this magazine. They all have direct address by giving you eye contact and even a cut out person saying this could be you by the band if you win the tickets in the competition in the magazine. This will make the audience engaged as they could have a chance to be with a celebrity!

The title 'All time Low' is the biggest font on the contents page which shows how important the article is. It is also the only text other than the page numbers in the colour red so it extremely shows out on the page.

The editors letter is very clear as it takes up a large quantity of the page. These letters relate to the audience so it makes them feel very involved and it is even signed at the end which makes it seem more personal .

The page numbers are a different color to the text of the sub headings making it easier for the audience to know where to find the article.

The headings are very clear and easy to see as it is yellow on a black background. There are also many headings so it shows there any a lot of things within the article.

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