Tuesday 17 November 2015

Generic conventions of a Context Page

Again, considering that i have to create my own context page for my music magazine i thought it would be a good idea to look at the generic features that they consist and what my own must have so i can include them.

Most of the time positioned in the top left or right corner of the contents page. Normally by the magazine title. 
Positioned with the issue number, they are shown together on the front cover and the contents also.
The biggest text on the contents page is the main 'Contents' title so its clear and easy for the reader to know what the page is about.
There is always a main image on the page and it is about an important article in a visual form that is within the magazine and is usually direct address.
Images that normally are an image of a topic within the article and have the page number on it. However it is becoming more common to see just one, central image, as it is dominating the page.
The magazine company's logo or name which is usually next to the contents title and at the top left of the page.  
These are only either one word or a few words which go after the page number and then followed by the sub line which explains it in more detail.
These are one off interviews or features. It is separate from the other headings so it stands out, as this is an important part of ‘this issues’ magazine.
Page numbers are very important to a context page. They start at the left before the heading and usually are a different colour and font so it stands out and makes it easy to comprehend.
Sometimes contents pages have quotes from interviews they had done in the magazine. Most of the time they are on the main image, like this one. They are never over the faces of the bands or artists.
The contents is laid out into 3 or 4 columns, they are to the side of the main image. As if they are framing the image. They never overlap or cover the image. The articles are set into chronological order so its easy for the reader to find what they are looking for and want to read. Moreover, beneath each page there is a sentence of a few words about each article so the reader can get a quick overview of what its about and decide on reading it or not.

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