Sunday 29 November 2015

Deconstruction of a Double-Page Spread 1 of 3

Moreover, i then followed on to do the deconstruction of 3 double-page spread pages to get a vast variety of them so i know there techniques well by analyzing them thoroughly.

  • The main image takes up a whole page showing the importance of the person on it.
  • The main title 'In Good Health' is short, snappy and bold which gets to the point.
  • The appearance is very professional and neat which suggests its aimed at a more older audience.
  • There is a drop quote that is taken out of the context of the article which is in a bigger font and makes it stand out more. This will draw peoples attention first then they will be intrigued  to read the article and find out what the quote means.
  • There is 3 columns and this is a normal amount and doesn't scare people off by an overwhelming amount of columns.
  • The artist gives eye contact and also has another drink which both suggests that there trying to make you feel involved.
  • The article has the colour scheme of white, orange and black which makes the article stand out and look very modern and professional.
  • The columns are set out easily and very presentable for the reader to read and gives a formal approach. 
  • On the main image it shows  quick brief summary of what the article is about so the reader can get an overlook if they will be interested or not.

Saturday 28 November 2015

Deconstruction of a Contents Page 3 of 3

The magazines name is the biggest text on the context page following by the contents title making both very clear and bold. The black, white and red or the titles match the colour scheme of the page and what the magazine is usually.

The main image of the page is the largest implying this is the main article you should be focusing on. It links with the magazines name as its a picture of a drummer playing the drums therefore it will appeal hugely to the audience.

The date is insanely large and shown beneath the contents title which shows its significance. You can see it clearly which helps to know if you are reading the latest news and the latest edition of the magazine.

A range of sub headings throughout link to what is going to be inside the magazine. Also next to the sub headings are numbers, also in a different colour, that are there so the reader can easily
navigate around the magazine quickly.

The overall appearance is quite sophisticated as well as the colour scheme which shows the magazine is aimed at a high aged audience.

Shows various images of the main content inside the magazine and the variety. It also has page numbers on them so you can quickly find what page they are on.

Friday 27 November 2015

Deconstruction of a Contents Page 2 of 3

This content page has a very bold title which is clear and easy to read and makes it very easy for them to see it.

The cover lines for this contents page are separated into different sections. This is because it helps the reader to find the story line they want to see or their favorite artist much more quicker.

The color scheme for this content page is quite sophisticated too which suggests that the magazine is for adults and they prefer a more simple professional style therefore they will buy this magazine.

Another image that is promoting special issues within the magazine.

Most of the page is covered up with the special and main artist of the magazine, Adele. This shows that she is very important and the article has something you need to read about.

They use black, bold sub titles that draws the readers attention and makes it stand out on the grey and white background.

The colours used to show the contents of the magazine links with the title, image and the background colours as they are red, grey and red.

Thursday 26 November 2015

Deconstruction of a Contents Page 1 of 3

Moving on to the deconstruction research for my music magazine project i came to a decision to deconstruct 3 contents pages to get a vast variety of content pages so i know there techniques well by analyzing them thoroughly.

The title 'Kerrang!' and 'Contents' are very clear as they are in capital letters and they are extremely easy to see on the yellow background then the font being black and bold. It is easy to know it is the contents page as its one of the largest texts on the page. The title is at the top of the page showing its significance.

The main image takes up most of the page demonstrating that the band is the main feature in this magazine. They all have direct address by giving you eye contact and even a cut out person saying this could be you by the band if you win the tickets in the competition in the magazine. This will make the audience engaged as they could have a chance to be with a celebrity!

The title 'All time Low' is the biggest font on the contents page which shows how important the article is. It is also the only text other than the page numbers in the colour red so it extremely shows out on the page.

The editors letter is very clear as it takes up a large quantity of the page. These letters relate to the audience so it makes them feel very involved and it is even signed at the end which makes it seem more personal .

The page numbers are a different color to the text of the sub headings making it easier for the audience to know where to find the article.

The headings are very clear and easy to see as it is yellow on a black background. There are also many headings so it shows there any a lot of things within the article.

Monday 23 November 2015

Generic Conventions of Music Magazine Covers

Moreover, considering that i have to create my own front cover for my music magazine i thought it would be a good idea to look at the generic features that they consist and what my own must have so i can include them.

Mastheads The masthead is usually located at the top of the magazine cover and this gives a clear indication of who made the company and makes it recognizable to the audience. As shown above the red q is shown in this magazine and all overs, it stands out very much from the background as nothing ever overpowers it underneath due to it being a different color. Lastly, most mastheads in fact have a relation to music itself such as 'top of the pops', 'vibe' or even 'classical' - these have music genres or words usually related to music.           Slogans Slogans are very vital for a magazine as they are used to overpower there rivals by showcasing how important the context of the magazine is.Cover lines Cover lines are the main text on magazine and showcase the articles inside the magazine itself. There are many cover lines on the front cover such as shown below, 'PINK FLOYD, on the endless river and the end'. Cover lines are important to link to the featured artists in the magazines, these bands or artists such as Pink Floyd must attract the target audience of who buy the magazine. Another cover line on this magazine cover that is very important is the 'Ed Sheeran' cover line as he is also the main image of the magazine and this will attract the audience as Ed Sheeran is a huge artist who is very popular.
Central image The central image is one of the most important features of a magazine cover. The background image will mainly consist of a well known band or artist following by the same genre of the actual magazine itself, They mainly contain an image photographed either in close up or a medium shot showing mainly direct address where they look at the camera and make the audience feel welcomed and involved - however in the example I've showed this isn't the case. Moreover, if it isn't a single person it will be a group image that is usually shot in a studio again using direct address.

Dateline This is where you would find the date and the price of the magazine. It is mainly a smaller font and located in a corner as the publisher wants it to be the last thing the reader reads as its not as important as other features.

Barcode Makes it extremely easier to check out and its a new bar code each time so each one is unique.

Other cover lines The other cover lines are the large amount of text you see around the page which are mostly unrelated to the main photo itself like the secondary cover line but the main topics in the magazine to gasp the audiences attention and to make them purchase the magazine.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Generic conventions of a Context Page

Again, considering that i have to create my own context page for my music magazine i thought it would be a good idea to look at the generic features that they consist and what my own must have so i can include them.

Most of the time positioned in the top left or right corner of the contents page. Normally by the magazine title. 
Positioned with the issue number, they are shown together on the front cover and the contents also.
The biggest text on the contents page is the main 'Contents' title so its clear and easy for the reader to know what the page is about.
There is always a main image on the page and it is about an important article in a visual form that is within the magazine and is usually direct address.
Images that normally are an image of a topic within the article and have the page number on it. However it is becoming more common to see just one, central image, as it is dominating the page.
The magazine company's logo or name which is usually next to the contents title and at the top left of the page.  
These are only either one word or a few words which go after the page number and then followed by the sub line which explains it in more detail.
These are one off interviews or features. It is separate from the other headings so it stands out, as this is an important part of ‘this issues’ magazine.
Page numbers are very important to a context page. They start at the left before the heading and usually are a different colour and font so it stands out and makes it easy to comprehend.
Sometimes contents pages have quotes from interviews they had done in the magazine. Most of the time they are on the main image, like this one. They are never over the faces of the bands or artists.
The contents is laid out into 3 or 4 columns, they are to the side of the main image. As if they are framing the image. They never overlap or cover the image. The articles are set into chronological order so its easy for the reader to find what they are looking for and want to read. Moreover, beneath each page there is a sentence of a few words about each article so the reader can get a quick overview of what its about and decide on reading it or not.

Thursday 12 November 2015

Generic Conventions of a Double-Paged Spread

Contemplating that i have to create my own Double-paged spread for my music magazine i thought of the idea to look at the generic features that they consist and what my own must have.
The image is one of the most important features of a double page spread as this is one of the main elements that needs to draw in the reader. The medium close up is very effective as it shows her expression well and also her body language which reveals the artist as revealing and seductive. Moreover, the eye contact (direct address) is useful to conclude as well because it adds a connection between the reader and the artist and makes them feel involved within the magazine. In my example Her facial expression is quite strong and serious which demonstrates that there is a serious side to the article about her but her outfit also says it concludes her wacky side too. The photo isn't layered over the text and vice versa, to make the image as standout as possible.
Usually sentences start with a larger letter mainly serif font because it is a very stylistic feature making the article it self to look professional and also informative. However  on my example we see this kind of style at the beginning but without the serif font which could be due to the reason its aims at the younger generation because they are mainly the ones who follow Nicki Minja so they didn't want to follow the professional look and just keeping it fitting to the younger generation.
There is usually a range of fonts, color and bold and non bold. This suggests the article is exciting and full of news and not boring and the same old you usually see. It makes the double-page spread look very creative and more appealing to look at.
There is usually always a headline which normally consists of the artists name such as in my example it is 'NICKI MINAJ'. It is usually a different font compared to the rest of the two pages, a larger text and normally positioned at the top of the page because it is the most important text on the double-page spread and it needs to catch the readers attention. Celebrity endorsement is important as it will make people buy the magazine because it involves someone who they admire.
The layout of text is mainly set into columns such as my example it is set in 5 columns. They are set up left to right and this makes it easier for the reader to read as its in conical order and people read left to right so it helps them out. Secondly, if the pages was set into just one block paragraph it wouldn't look appealing to the audience as it would be seen as overwhelming to look at and then read so they put it into columns to make it look more appealing and friendly. The type of font has been used is usually a simple, aerial font as the font is usually small as there’s a lot of information to fit on. This is so the article doesn't look too crowded or complicated and is easy to read. Also, there aren’t any hypes at the end of the lines so the article flows better and doesn’t get confusing.
Page numbers are an necessity to a double page spread because this indicates to people where it can be located within the magazine so it helps them to navigate the location easier. Moreover, if it isn't clear then the reader wont enjoy reading the magazine because it will make it much harder for them. My example below clearly shows where the page number is, located in the bottom corners of the double-page spread and is in bold writing so its clear and easy to comprehend.