Thursday 15 October 2015

Peer Feedback On My School Magazine

Hannah Walker- My Mother
''I like the use of images at the bottom of the page as it looks very 
creative as some over and under lap each other. Moreover, it tells 
us more about what is in the magazine and what is the life in school 
itself which i think is very useful to the reader. Although i think the
bar code looks out of place and i would put it at the bottom instead
as its not as important.''

George Ridgway-Bamford- Student at Sandown Bay Academy
''I like the bold text and the colours chosen for the magazine cover, 
i think they mix well and the variety. The title is very easy to read 
from a distance and it gives a good message to us. However, i think 
it would look better without the skyline at the top of the magazine.''

Jordan Magee- Student at Sandown Bay Academy
''The overall look on the magazine looks very neat and professional, 
i like how he has blurred out the background so the characters stand 
out more towards the audience and that they give you eye contact so
 it feels like your involved in the magazine.''

Warren Riches- My Father

''I like that he has put 'win a brand new iPad' and 'get a free student 
discount inside' as its very effective and makes you want to read on 
wards and even buy the magazine - they are great puff and buzz words
 and it sparks my interest. To improve the magazine cover he could include
 more females as there is not many and it seems to be very male gendered.''

Jake McToldridge- Student at Sandown Bay Academy and in my Media Class

''I like the variety of fonts you have used and the colour scheme as it makes the magazine look more appealing, it is good that both boys and girls were used in the pictures of the site so both genders are included. I think that the price should be bigger and should stand out a bit more and the magazine title 'Success' should be moved closer to the skyline so it is more visible and looks a lot more clean.''

1 comment:

  1. I like the variety of fonts you have used and the colour scheme as it makes the magazine look more appealing, it is good that both boys and girls were used in the pictures of the site so both genders are included. I think that the price should be bigger and should stand out a bit more and the magazine title 'Success' should be moved closer to the skyline so it is more visible and looks a lot more clean.
